Michel Kilzi, serial entrepreneur, data intelligence expert with a vision to redefine the role of data as an asset in today’s new economy.
Is generative AI another step toward a life operating system (LOS)? ChatGPT and other AI-powered tools that mimic human capabilities are fostering progress in a wide range of assistive activities.
A life operating system could act as an assistive tool to operate our daily lives. It would help you operate the elements of your life relating to digital spaces (software, platforms), data (personal and professional information) and your actions, interactions and performance. Imagine a LOS as a clone of yourself—always there at your disposal as your butler, personal assistant, memory aid, etc.—that can perform tasks on your behalf, remind you of actions to be taken and organize your data.
In the near future, I think individuals will be responsible for handling even more tasks that didn’t previously exist. For example, your data could become your own asset that would consist of your own data vault, similar to bank accounts. In parallel, many people are seeking to improve their well-being and relax more. All of this justifies why we would need a life operating system.
I have spent the last 20 years working and manipulating data in many ways for many different purposes, such as helping corporations transform data into actionable insights for decision making, customer value management or optimizing financial output. I know that there are risks around manipulating data; thus it should be done under the right framework to avoid wrong predictions or out-of-context decision making.
How Customer Expectations In Technology Are Shifting
A greater work-life balance is increasingly important to many people, and addressing well-being is crucial to productive and sustainable work. New rules are dictating a paradigm shift:
• Customers want to be in control of their lives. They want less abusive or intrusive interactions with tech companies or platforms just seeking to fulfill their business goals. The power of control is essential nowadays. Tech, tools and access to platforms should be on-demand based on the users’ terms.
• Data as a personal asset is connected with controlled privacy restrictions. Many people think that data—the oxygen of the new economy—should benefit the data producer first, and then benefit those they chose to share their data with through deliberate consent.
• Performance and productivity should come first in new technology. Since we live in an era where stress emerges from everywhere, things like professional productivity, proper life management and nourishing family engagement have become fundamental stress relievers.
• The need to automate routine jobs has grown—so we can devote more time to creative endeavors.
The Requirements For A Life Operating System
Many tech players have little sense of what a LOS actually could be or what it would be capable of doing. The answer is basically everything.
People need a driving force to support their daily lives without being bias to third-party interests. These tools should merely look into serving the user’s own personal interests and preferences in intuitive ways.
I suggest entrepreneurs first focus on personal data and thus AI accuracy—rather than third-party data-crunching capabilities—as the LOS should be deliberately and purposefully trained to reach a satisfactory individual curation level, creating a virtual clone of a person. I envisage this new LOS being conceived based on an open architecture, encompassing the following structure:
• A carrier of assistive tools, specialty apps, services and connectors to the user’s own apparatus could be available, based on self-selection through drag and drop, to build their own ubiquitous setting.
• A user-centric front-end could interconnect different systems and apps by eradicating the visible partitions among them and making information barriers indistinguishable, while waiving the spaghetti complexity of multi-backends and structuring the user’s own aggregate data power house.
• Make adaptive algorithms available on demand and include a user-focused machine learning engine. In other words: AI works exclusively for the user.
• A digital identity could be embedded within the LOS to facilitate easy and fast access to services through a secured self-controlled wallet for both verifiable critical identifications and additional credentials, ensuring a rich and genuine identity.
• Include a command-and-control cockpit to set the user’s rules and engagement trigger settings, ensuring a voluntary way to assign their preferences.
Entrepreneurs should make sure the LOS is able to learn from an individual’s contextual sources of information, behavior, business KPIs and style of producing presentations, reports or emails in order to ensure the user is confident in its output. As for personal life assistance, it could deep dive into medical records, financials, family engagements, leisure and habits, IOT devices and other data touchpoints. Beyond those specific guardrails, the LOS may learn from external data based on the individual’s desires.
It’s important to equip the LOS with neural learning capabilities to outperform actual deep learning flaws. Once it has learned enough about the user, it can then assist them. The avatar should have conversational verbal capabilities, recommend actions and fulfill the role of a personal assistant.
When developing an AI-driven LOS that aims to replicate the user as an assistive tool, entrepreneurs should be mindful of certain risks and potential drawbacks such as personal privacy and data security. The LOS should strive for high accuracy and reliability in its functioning. And while the LOS aims to assist and support users, it may lack the human touch and empathy that real-life interactions provide. Entrepreneurs could consider incorporating features that simulate emotional intelligence, empathy and human-like interactions to mitigate this potential drawback.
The Entrepreneurial Opportunity
In my view, this digital LOS should be built with a totally different mindset. I recommend tech entrepreneurs partner with lifestyle product designers to start building a ludic and intuitive minimum viable LOS.
It will be interesting to see how these systems need to mature to become plug-and-play tools. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to build a virtual personal assistant and eventually push the extra mile to become a personal coach, mentor or even therapist.
By embracing the potential of a life operating system, businesses could transform their operations, improve productivity and ensure an enhanced customer experience. Innovation could be limitless around solutions to offload administrative burdens or solutions around fostering collaboration for smaller businesses.
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