Kent Ingle is president of Southeastern University, author of several leadership books and host of the Framework Leadership podcast.
Pre-flight safety briefings have become more engaging in the past few years—from innovative videos to cabin crews’ comedic routines or musical variations. But the subject matter really hasn’t changed. If you are a frequent flyer like me, you could probably give the safety demonstration yourself. Despite the countless times I’ve heard the guidelines, one sentence has always stood out to me: “Secure your mask first before helping those around you.”
Many parents most likely wrestle with this concept. Why wouldn’t you help your child first? Without oxygen, you can’t help a panicking child correctly position their mask and keep them calm in a chaotic situation. And it’s a principle that flows into leadership. Before you lead others, you must be able to manage yourself. Leaders gasping for air can’t effectively guide others.
One of the most critical disciplines of leadership is self-management—the responsibility to manage behaviors, thoughts and emotions. Here are three ways a leader’s self-management can positively impact the workplace.
1. They cultivate a healthy environment.
Leaders set the tone for an organization, and they have a significant influence over how others feel about their jobs. A recent UKG survey found that 60% of employees say that their job is the biggest factor influencing their mental health, and their boss has as much influence on their mental health as their relationship with their spouse.
An organization’s vitality is contingent on its leader’s mental and physical health. When one part of a leader’s life is out of sync, it negatively impacts other parts of their life. A thriving work environment results from disciplined leaders who understand how their physical health can impact their mental health (and vice versa).
To guide others to success, you must be in a healthy state of mind, and it begins with how you start your day. Many successful executives implement routines to jump-start their morning positively—exercising (something I do), meditating, applying gratitude principles and eating a healthy breakfast. Studies show that taking care of your physical health boosts your mental health by reducing stress and improving your mood.
Being effective in the workplace requires you to take breaks and prioritize your day based on what’s critical. Drive toward personal excellence by knowing yourself enough to create a sustainable workload (focusing on the important rather than the urgent) to prevent burnout and fatigue and do the same for your employees. I think you will discover that a positive environment bolsters employee well-being, creativity, work productivity and retention.
2. They employ emotional intelligence.
Between the pandemic and what felt like a mass exodus in the workplace, studies have divulged the importance of developing a company culture where employees feel valued, heard and understood.
A recent study found that nearly three in four (73%) respondents say emotional quotient (EQ) is more important than intelligence quotient (IQ). The same study revealed that nearly half of employees say their bosses lack emotional intelligence.
An emotionally intelligent leader learns how to control their responses—verbally and nonverbally—instead of reacting based on feelings and impulses. They handle disappointment by managing their expectations and are resilient in the face of defeat. Emotionally intelligent leaders demonstrate confidence when anxious and work clearly under pressure without transmitting stress to others.
Become aware of what triggers a negative response from you and learn how to respond in a way that does not diminish others. Take the time to listen to your employees so that you can understand how they are feeling and how you can best support them in their roles.
3. They set an example for others.
A leader’s character is contagious. Everything a leader does impacts other people. People want to follow a leader whose actions are consistent with the company’s values. Good leaders are transparent and authentic. They take responsibility for their actions (and their team’s) and hold themselves accountable.
Only 21% of U.S. employees strongly agree that they trust their organization’s leadership, according to a Gallup survey. And only 19% strongly agree that their leadership makes them enthusiastic about the future. Imagine what the workplace would look like if more leaders prioritized their character over their financial success.
When you allow character to guide your decisions, you become a more trustworthy leader. Be aware of your blind spots and constantly work to improve them. People are always watching to see how you react. Never become a victim of your choices; don’t make others one too.
Strong character builds trust and credibility within your teams, while bad character will hinder your influence. The words coming out of your mouth must align with your actions. You will only be as strong as your weakest discipline. Integrity is the character trait that leaders need, but only a few fight for.
The next time you step in to help someone with their oxygen mask, make sure yours is on first. Everyone wants to become the hero of a story, but they often forget the importance of making sure they are in a state to help others. When you employ self-management strategies, you help yourself and inspire others to do the same.
Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?
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