Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D., Naturopathic Physician, Nutrition Expert and Founder of the Dr. Kellyann Brand.
The coronavirus pandemic changed the global workforce in many ways: Remote work blossomed while certain in-person jobs suddenly became eliminated as businesses were forced to shut down and close. Then, there was the Great Resignation, where people exited the workforce on their own—taking stock of their life, their time and their values. Now, three years later, we’ve seen the end of the official public health emergency, but a spotlight on mental health and individual happiness remains.
A study conducted by Indeed and Forrester found that 67% of respondents believe that well-being at work is a right, not a privilege. Eighty-six percent say happiness at work affects their mood at home. Companies are responding by embracing remote work and flex work arrangements in order to retain employees. It’s a focus that is not going away, nor should it.
Here are even more things business leaders can do right now to foster employee happiness.
1. Prioritize wellness by encouraging work-life balance.
There’s a famous saying—a rising tide lifts all boats—and I truly believe that. Happiness is contagious. When a company prioritizes wellness and a healthy work-life balance, an employee will succeed not only at work, but in many areas of their life.
Offering benefits such as unlimited PTO or wellness days makes a big difference in promoting overall employee happiness. Encourage your people to use wellness days for anything that brings them inner joy, like taking a yoga class, walking the dog at the park on a sunny day or volunteering for a cause that’s close to their heart.
Another way to prioritize wellness is to offer a reimbursement program for expenses related to mental health. This could include getting money back for the purchase of gym equipment, a membership to a dance or boxing class or even a subscription to a wellness or meditation app. By making these services more accessible to your team, you help them achieve a healthy body and mind.
2. Listen to your employees and take action.
If you don’t know what people want and value, how do you know what to incorporate into your corporate culture? This is what makes employee feedback so pivotal to creating a healthy and happy workplace environment.
A great way to collect feedback is through roundtable discussions, coffee chats, town halls or employee surveys. Know where your employees stand on things like remote work and benefits so that you, as the employer, can make necessary adjustments. Aim to make your environment a place where people not only want to work, but want to stay. Higher employee retention benefits a company’s morale and speaks wonders about the company’s overall culture.
It’s also critical to understand your employees’ career goals. If a team member expresses interest in moving up in the company, but isn’t quite ready, be sure to have a conversation about it. Let them know what they need to do to land that promotion and put them on the path toward achieving their goal. Let them know they are being heard. An employee is more likely to stay at the company if they feel encouraged and supported to grow within the organization.
3. Be consistent with your core values.
It’s one thing to put your core values on a wall, but it’s another to walk the talk and make them a part of the day-to-day of your business. My parent company, Veyl Ventures, has five core values that are at the heart of our business: create wellness, kind and candid, relentless enthusiasm, plan and adapt, and will to win. These values are at the center of our discussions as well as the performance review process. Employees are also given opportunities to nominate each other for exemplifying a certain value, and these employees are featured and celebrated each month at the company town halls.
It’s also important to celebrate the daily wins and milestones of your team members. This could be as simple as a personal text message on their birthday or an important life event. Celebrating these milestones helps team members feel seen, heard and valued. If a group of employees collaborates on something great for the company, give them a shout out on the corporate Slack channel or send an email to the broader team. These actions can go a long way in supporting the well-being of your team, and it’s important for managers to encourage this peer-to-peer recognition.
The global pandemic shifted the way we work and the way many people think about their jobs. We must place more of an emphasis on employee happiness for people to thrive. By prioritizing wellness, incorporating team member feedback and focusing on your company core values, your team will shine and your business will succeed.
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